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Service Traffic

Finding ways to increase service traffic can be very difficult in a slow-moving economy. What Strong prefers to do is focus on the core products of service advertising the same way we focus on the core products of new car advertising.

Take the 4 most popular services that your shop executes on a monthly basis. These will be your traffic pieces – they are what you offer to the customers in your database and your immediate area, since they are what more of your owners are buying.  Focus on the core items and don’t try to be all things to all people. Some service managers will want to send out every offer under the sun without focusing the real attention on the big offers.

Focus on the 4 most popular offers and use them to drive the traffic. You will hear your service manager say, “We’ll we can’t make any money on that oil change or that brake special.” That is when you have to explain to them that sales doesn’t make any money on the ad price vehicle or the one with the biggest discount.

We have to train the service department to step sell just like we did with the sales department.

Focus on the most popular items and you will draw in the most traffic.

John Paul Strong

John Paul Strong combines his two decades of automotive marketing experience with a team of more than 150 professionals as owner and CEO of Strong Automotive.

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